Tutorial: 3D Title Creation With NewBlue FX Titler Pro
David McKnight explores the range of features in NewBlueFX Titler Pro that allow editors to produce creative titling effects, animations, and extrusions along the 3D plane using both manual controls and a host of preset styles and templates.
In this tutorial, we're going to talk about NewBlue FX Titler Pro, which is a new titler from NewBlue that you can get at NewBlueFX.com if you don't already have it. This titler works perfectly well in 2D, but it's got some really cool features in 3D that we're going to check out now.
The 3D we're speaking of when we're talking about NewBlue Titler Pro is actually movement in three dimensions in the Z-plane, as well as extrusions on the titles. To start Titler Pro in Vegas, right-click on the timeline and select Insert Generated Media, as shown in Figure 1 (below).

Figure 1. Selecting Insert Generated Media to locate the Titler Pro plug-in
The Plug-in Chooser - New Media Generator opens, shows your available choices, one of which will be NewBlue Titler Pro for Windows (Figure 2, below) if you installed it after downloading it. Double-click on NewBlue Titler Pro.

Figure 2. Choose NewBlue Titler Pro from the Plug-in Chooser - New Media Generator.
Welcome to the Titler Pro Interface
Selecting NewBlue Titler Pro from the Plug-in Chooser brings up the Titler Pro interface (Figure 3, below). The cool thing about this is it's a plug-in that runs inside of Vegas. The entire time you're working with titles, you don't need to be reviewing the Vegas timeline with the Vegas preview window. You can do all of your previewing right inside of the plug-in while it runs inside of Vegas. It's pretty cool.

Figure 3. The Titler Pro interface running inside of Vegas
We're not going to go through a thorough overview of Titler Pro. We're just going to hit some of the high points as it relates to 3D extrusions-which, by the way, is a capability that does not appear in any of the other titlers that come standard with Vegas.
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